"Uggghhhh...," groaned Brandy's good friend Hawk after a long night. Hawk had been testing his patented fireworks display for the upcoming holiday weekend and had gone into the wee hours of the morning trying to perfectly time his effects to a John Phillip Sousa medley. "I just couldn't get the gold ones to explode when the tuba comes in," he yawned to Brandy, "And the red ones kept hitting the blue ones and making a giant purple starburst instead of the American flag." "Perhaps we should get you some coffee," Brandy offered. "Nah, the caffeine makes me too jittery. Not good to have unsteady hands when one is dealing with fireworks." "Well, then some protein at least. Let's see... Oh yes, I've got a lovely idea! After all, what's more American than consuming copious amounts of meat first thing in the morning? Let's go get some barbecue!"

The inside of Lone Star put them both at ease right away, as the Texas spirit was certainly evident in the decor of whimsical and Southwestern inspired signage, wrought iron fixtures, and country music being played throughout the space, as well as the unmistakable smokey aroma that permeated everything. "And you know they're serious about their barbecue when you see something like this!" said Hawk, pointing to the roll of brown paper towels on every table.

For his main dish, Hawk voted for the Pork 'n Mac sandwich with sides of BBQ beans and apple slaw. The slaw had a crisp, bright flavor while firmly remaining on the sweet side without being overly pickley, and the beans had a great smokey flavor and a silky texture. The sandwich, which consisted of pork shoulder topped with macaroni and cheese, was a substantial delight that instantly perked up Hawk. "I know its just lack of sleep that's effecting me this morning, but this is the kind of thing that would instantly cure a hangover as well," he joked. The meat wasn't overly saucy, meaning it's true smokey flavor wasn't masked in the least, and texture was so impossibly tender that it barely held together long enough to get it into one's mouth. The mac and cheese when tasted on its on was certainly delicious, but seemed a gilding on the already perfect lily that was the pork.

With bellies full of meat (so much so that Brandy actually did the unthinkable and forgot to order dessert!), Brandy and Hawk headed out of the restaurant. Along with the absolutely scrumptious food and the down home atmosphere, the charmingly friendly staff seemed to be the cherry on the proverbial sundae. "What a pleasant surprise to have found a slice of Americana like this place just before Independence Day!" Brandy said cheerily. "I thought your countrymen referred to it as 'Good Riddance Day,'" Hawk smirked. "We used to," said Brandy, "But we've now reserved our ire to be directed at Europe rather than the colonies, apparently."
The writers of this blog were invited by the restaurant to dine free of charge in exchange for an honest review.
The Short and Sweet Review
I got a recommendation for trying out Lone Star BBQ. After reading this post, I think I shall have to make that trip for some of their barbecue.
ReplyDeleteCannot recommend it enough! If you're a fan of BBQ, this Lone Star is one of the best in the city in our opinion :-)